Click on the session title to view details.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

7:00 a.m.          Registration & Exhibits

9:45 a.m.          Welcome and Overview

Hon. Janet Holmgren, 17th Judicial Circuit, President, ILAPSC Board of Directors

10:00 a.m.          General Session – Current Trends in Drug Use 
Amy Miles, Director of the Forensic Toxicology Program at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

As a result of this session, attendees will be able to:
• Explain the current trends in illicit drug use.
• Implement strategies to achieve best practices in drug testing in meeting those trends. 
• Create a culture that uses best drug testing practices.

11:30 a.m.          Lunch

12:30 p.m. General Session – Acquired Brain Injury
Meghan Geiss, Ph.D., L.C.P. JFV Consultant

This session will cover the epidemiology of ABI and the clinical and psychosocial characteristics of justice involved veterans with ABI. The presenter will describe the VA’s Polytrauma System of Care and the collaborative efforts of the DoD and VA to identify, assess and treat ABI survivors, as well as the research and clinical and care coordination initiatives to provide lifelong care and support for this population.

Learning Objectives: 
1. Recognize ABI diagnoses and management. 
2. Review the VA ABI/Polytrauma System of Care. 
3. Identify cognitive effects of ABI and symptoms that overlap with other mental health issues.

2:00 p.m. Break & Exhibits

2:15 p.m.          Breakout Sessions

B1A – Mental Health in Emerging Adulthood: Understanding Developmental Consideration
Dr. Brynne Schroeder, PhD, Empowered Pathways, LLC

Career decisions, family dynamics, education, and navigating identity are just some of the monumental transitions that commonly occur between the ages of 18-29. Emerging adulthood is a unique developmental stage full of excitement and opportunity. However, the drastic psychological and interpersonal changes that occur during this time can also increase emerging adults’ risk for mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. This presentation offers a nuanced understanding of the unique developmental considerations that impact mental health and risk-taking behavior during this pivotal life stage. Participants will learn about both risk factors and protective factors in the emerging adult population and be given practical strategies for supporting mental health needs.

Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize the unique developmental milestones associated with emerging adulthood and their influence on mental health
  2. Examine the relationship between mental health, substance abuse, and risky behavior in emerging adulthood
  3. Utilize evidence-based strategies to support mental health and provide appropriate resources
B1B – Contingency Management for Stimulant Use
Skip Dettman, LCSW, ACSW, CAADC, Clinical Director Lutheran Social Services of Illinois and treatment provider Whiteside County Drug Court
Barbara Richter BA, CADC, counselor Whiteside County Jail substance use program and treatment provider Whiteside County Drug Court 

The goal of this presentation will be to provide education and information on contingency management for treatment of stimulant use disorders. There is currently no medication management that is used to treat individuals with stimulant use disorder, and the number of individuals whose drug of choice is stimulant has increased significantly. Contingency management for the treatment of stimulant disorder has shown some signs of success in the treatment of individuals who are addicted to or misuse stimulants.

Learning Objectives

  1. Increase knowledge about what contingency management is and how it is delivered. 
  2. Describe the scope of the problem of stimulant use disorder and the challenges of recovery from stimulant use disorder. 
  3. Provide evidence of the effectiveness of contingency management for treating stimulant misuse.
B1C – Are You Really Winning?
Anita Pindiur, MS, LCPC, CADC, PCGC, Executive Director, Way Back Inn
John Harris‚ Principal, a5 Branding & Digital

Way Back Inn and a5 Branding & Digital, in partnership with the Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery, developed the Are You Really Winning? Campaign to highlight the valuable resources available in Illinois for those seeking to understand and seek help for gambling disorder. This presentation, in a lecture/single-session format, will target all ILAPSC audiences to help educate participants about gambling disorder, the importance of evidence-based treatment, and where to go to receive help for gambling-related issues as they arise for Illinois residents. Probation officers, attorneys, judges, coordinators, law enforcement officers, as well as mental health, substance use, and other treatment providers will learn about how gambling has expanded across Illinois and how gambling affects nearly one million residents and their loved ones. Gambling disorders, like substance use disorders, affect the overall person and family unit, resulting in life-altering issues for those involved.

Learning Objectives

  1. Highlight what gambling is and how it can affect people
  2. Educate participants about the signs to look for with gambling issues
  3. Provide an overview of the Are You Really Winning? statewide education campaign to help people with gambling issues
  4. Educate people on how to get help and/or screen for gambling disorders                         
B1D – Program Evaluation, The Missing Link of Program Success
Kelly Scimeca, MA, LCPC, Director of the Office of Special Projects for the 22nd Judicial Circuit Specialty Courts
James “Dan” Wallis, Court Administrator, 22nd Judicial Circuit

This comprehensive presentation emphasizes the necessity of employing comprehensive data and a proactive evaluation approach for Problem Solving Courts (PSCs) to gauge their effectiveness in reducing recidivism rates. Focusing on the analysis of the 22nd Judicial Circuit’s PSCs, we reveal their success in lowering repeat offenses compared to traditional incarceration, positioning them as cost-effective alternatives to standard penal methods. We will present the evaluation methodology used, enabling attendees to conduct their own analyses with national arrest data for broader insights, transcending local metrics. Highlighting the importance of self-assessment, we illustrate how it aids program leaders in refining outcomes and optimizing resources. The underlying message is clear: understanding a program’s current performance is crucial for determining its future direction. Through this energetic and interactive presentation, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to critically assess and enhance the impact of Problem-Solving Courts across the state. It isn’t just math.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the critical role of comprehensive data analysis in evaluating the effectiveness of Problem-Solving Courts (PSCs) and their impact on reducing recidivism rates compared to traditional incarceration methods.
  2. Learn the evaluation methodology employed by the 22nd Judicial Circuit’s PSCs, including how to use national arrest data for a holistic and objective analysis of program performance beyond local metrics.
  3. Gain insights into the importance of self-evaluation for program leaders to improve PSC outcomes, optimize resource allocation, and justify the implementation of PSCs as cost-effective, sustainable alternatives to conventional penal measures.
B1E – Engaging Community Members to Support Prevention and Recovery
Nadia Klekamp, Director of Integrated Community Education at Chestnut Health Systems
Donna Nahlik, Director of Prevention and Community Education for Chestnut Health Systems

Recovery is for everyone. “Every Person, Every Family, Every Community,” Recovery happens in communities, but how can community members collaborate to build thoughtful and sustainable recovery supports? How do we engage them? Why should they care? Hear how the Center for Community Engagement is working with communities across the state to organize for change. We will discuss how to build on the strengths and resilience of individuals, families, and communities to support individuals and families seeking or maintaining recovery.  Presentation for anyone working and supporting people in recovery.

B1F – Recovery Capital
Vanessa Matthews, Director, Treatment Court Institute, All Rise

While utilizing substance use disorder treatment is critical in the drug court model, what other elements are important to bring about long-term recovery for clients? Research over the past two decades has found that individuals with strong concentrations of personal, social, and community capital are more likely to sustain long-term recovery. But what exactly does this mean, and how do we operationalize this in the treatment court model? This session will introduce participants to the concept and definition of Recovery Capital.

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Explain the research findings on the importance of assessing and building personal, social, and community capital to strengthen long-term recovery – long past the exit from treatment court.
  2. Teams will learn how to move these concepts into practice throughout their program, with a specific focus on applying the recovery capital framework in staffing and case management.
B1G – Cannabis and Cars-Addressing the Challenges of the Marijuana Impaired Driver
Mark Stodola, Probation Fellow, American Probation and Parole Association/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

As of December 2023, 24 states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana while 38 states allow for the use of medical marijuana.  The prevalence of legal weed in our communities has created challenges on our roadways as incidents of marijuana impaired driving continue to increase across the country and new users are exposed to the drug. This interactive presentation will provide the audience up to date information on the scope of our marijuana impaired driving problem, issues surrounding polysubstance use, and the use of assessment tools to determine risk and practical evidence-based sentencing, supervision and monitoring strategies to address these behaviors.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will identify marijuana impaired driving trends and their challenges
  2. Participants will identify how assessment tools can help determine risk for marijuana impaired drivers
  3. Participants will identify three supervision countermeasures and research-based practices that jurisdictions should be using to reduce the possibility of re-offense by drug impaired drivers

3:30 p.m. Break and Exhibits

3:45 p.m. Breakout Sessions

B2A – Affirming Legal Services for LGBTQ+ Individuals
Carolyn Wahlskog, LCSW, Director of Operations and Programming at Youth Outlook

The LGBTQ+ has evolving needs in 2024. Join Youth Outlook for a presentation of:

  • Overview of LGBTQ+ terminology
  • Understanding pronouns: how to ask, how to document 
  • Current trends when working with LGBTQ+ populations 
  • Updates to name change laws, birth certificates and navigating anti-LGBTQ laws 
  • Practicing common scenarios that come up with LGBTQ+ client-Resources and referrals 
B2B – Understanding Psychological Evaluations
Dr. Jeremy Jewell, Professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 

The presentation, titled “Understanding Psychological Evaluations” will focus on how psychological evaluations can assist in treatment planning with clients involved in problem solving courts. Topics will include how to craft relevant questions prior to requesting a psychological evaluation, understanding scoring used in evaluations, the types of psychological tests that are likely to be used, and more. 

Presentation Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will learn how to craft relevant questions prior to requesting a psychological evaluation
  2. Understand scoring used in evaluations
  3. The types of psychological tests that are likely to be used
B2C – The Intersection Between Drug Endangered Children and Family Human Trafficking
Liesl Wingert, MHA is the Program Coordinator for the Eastern region of the SIU School of Medicine‚ Center for Rural Health and Social Service Development

The National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children (DEC) defines drug endangered children as children who are at risk of suffering physical, mental or emotional harm as a result of parent or caregiver legal or illegal substance misuse. They may also be children whose caretaker’s legal or illegal substance use interferes with the caretaker’s ability to parent and provide a safe and nurturing environment. Children are often the first affected but can be the last recognized as being affected by substance misuse, often subjected to adverse childhood events such as physical, emotional, and psychological trauma which puts them at risk for negative long-term challenges.  In addition, drug endangered children are often the same children who are at risk for Familial Human Trafficking (FHT).  Familial Human Trafficking involves children who are trafficked by their parents or caregivers, often inside the family home, many times involving illegal drug use issues.  Identifying these children as early as possible, intervening appropriately, and providing much needed services to the children and their family members is critical in order to break the generational cycle of substance misuse. In addition, it is imperative that we learn to identify adults who were subjected to these traumas as children in order to encourage the healing that is needed to move forward as a healthy adult.

B2D – Coordinator 101
Vanessa Matthews, Projector Director, All Rise

The coordinator wears many hats, and their duties vary based on program need, so what is the standard for being an effective coordinator? The Coordinator is critical to the planning, maintenance, and evaluation of the treatment court. This session will explore the core competencies of a Treatment Court Coordinator, to include Case flow Management, Resource Allocation, Acquisition, Budget and Finance, Visioning and Strategic Planning, Building Relationships, and Program Documentation. This session will explore the role of the coordinator and give an overview of key areas of focus, ultimately providing new ideas and a road map to improve your skills. 

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Acknowledge the key roles the coordinator holds on the treatment court team. 
  2. Explore different approaches to manage your program. 
  3. Take away ideas to implement into your program.
B2E – The Changing Landscape of Impaired Driving
Mark Stodola, Probation Fellow, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Recently we have seen troubling trends in both highway safety, and impaired driving. 25% of fatal crash-involved drivers tested positive for multiple impairing substances, compared with 18% prior to the pandemic. The number of DWI arrests have plummeted while impaired driving fatalities increased by 14% in 2020, an additional 14% in 2021, and continue to trend in the wrong direction. The impact of the COVID pandemic, the increase in states legalizing recreational marijuana and the prevalence of polysubstance use have forced practitioners to reevaluate our current practices in addressing this serious issue. This interactive presentation will provide research that explains the changes we are seeing with the DWI population as well as approaches to address this growing crisis. Participants will learn best practices in supervision strategies, available countermeasures, issues surrounding polysubstance use and testing to help criminal justice and treatment professionals maximize their effectiveness in reducing risk to the community.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will identify 3 factors that have influenced the increase in impaired driving fatalities
  2. Participants will identify two research-based strategies that are effective in the supervision of impaired drivers
  3. Participants will identify the characteristics and profiles of impaired drivers and the criminogenic risk factors that increase their likelihood of recidivating
B2F – Effective Integration of Evidence-Based Practices Into the Problem-Solving Court
Bill Blundell, MPA, LPC Problem-Solving Court Manager, Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts
Becky Self, Training Manager, Probation Services Division, Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts

This session will focus on how PSCs can integrate evidence-based practices into their courts and the participants they work with. The evidence-based practices discussed will be Core Correctional Practices (CCP), Thinking for a Change (T4C), Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT), Motivational Interviewing and other Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques with an emphasis on the importance of the use of evidence-based practices by all members of the team and when applicable, how these skills could be used in court (Motivational Interviewing or CCP for example).

Learning Objectives

  1. How different team members could benefit from learning about EBP, no matter what their role on the PSC team.
  2. How some EBP could be used in the court setting by various PSC team members.

5:00 p.m. End of Day and Evaluations

Thursday, October 24, 2024

7:00 a.m.          Registration & Exhibits

8:30 a.m.        Breakout Sessions

B3A – The Jaded Lawyer: Compassion Fatigue and Burnout
Dr. Diana Uchiyama, JD, PsyD, CAADC, Executive Director of the Illinois Lawyers’ Assistance Program “LAP”

Recent studies have confirmed that the overwhelming stress that is commonplace in our legal profession disproportionately results in attorneys suffering higher levels of depression, anxiety, substance use, burnout, cognitive problems, addiction, and other serious issues at rates much higher than those seen in the general population. While changing the nature of the legal profession is likely to be a slow process, individuals have the capacity to make small changes that have been scientifically shown to mitigate the negative impact of stress, reducing the likelihood of compassion fatigue and burnout.

Participants in this program will learn:

  • What Compassion Fatigue and Burnout are;
  • The signs and symptoms of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout;
  • What factors make lawyers particularly vulnerable to Compassion Fatigue and Burnout
  • Best practices for prevention of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout.
B3B – Community Support Groups: Why You Need One, How to Get Started, and Ethical Concerns
Liesl Wingert, MHA, Program Coordinator for the Eastern region of the SIU School of Medicine‚ Center for Rural Health and Social Service Development
James W. Lane, JD, ILAPSC Board Member
Hon. Mark L. Shaner (Ret.), ILAPSC Vice President

Component number ten of the Ten Key Components of Drug Courts calls for the forging of partnerships
among the court, public agencies, and community-based organizations to generate local support and to
enhance drug court program effectiveness. Many problem-solving courts have support groups formed
specifically to provide financial support, raise public awareness of the existence and effectiveness of
problem-solving courts, and remove stigma from substance use disorders and mental health disorders
through education and interaction with participants. This panel presentation will address advantages
and disadvantages of such groups and will provide practical ideas and “next steps” lists for those
interested in starting a community support group. Among the topics addressed will be steps for
organizing, options for choice of entity, legal and tax filings, and governing structure. The panel will also
address potential ethical concerns for judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys.

Presentation Learning Objectives:

  1. After the session, participants will be able to identify the advantages of starting and being involved
    with community support groups for their problem-solving courts.
  2. Participants wishing to start a community support group will be able to evaluate the various types of
    legal and tax-exempt entities and choose the best type for their organization.
  3. Judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys will be able to recognize potential ethical concerns and
    plan their involvement to avoid ethical problems.
B3C – Treatment Team Working Effectively with the Team
Christa Marshall, Psy.D., Marshall Psychological Services, LLC, TCI Consultant

This session focuses on the role of the treatment provider on the treatment court team. It will examine various issues, including confidentiality, effective treatment approaches, the importance of medications for addiction treatment (MAT), potential conflicts, dealing with recurrence of substance use disorder, and more. The discussion will help treatment providers work effectively within the treatment court setting while providing the best care to their patients.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand team roles, including the role and responsibilities of the treatment provider
  2. Learn best practices for treatment providers
  3. Review the importance of MAT in working with treatment court participants
B3D – The Importance of Team Building
Kenneth Robinson, EdD, Correctional Counseling, Inc.

This presentation illuminates the critical role of team building in fostering a positive and productive workplace environment. Emphasizing the significance of cohesive teams in achieving organizational goals, it explores various aspects of team dynamics, communication, and collaboration. Participants will gain valuable insights into strategies for creating a strong team culture, resolving conflicts, and promoting a collaborative atmosphere that encourages individual and collective growth.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the impact of team building on organizational success
  2. Develop strategies for building a positive team culture
  3. Learn conflict resolution techniques for stronger teams
B3E – A Therapeutic Approach to Integrating Employment Interventions into Specialty Court Programs: A Pilot Program
Thomas Faber, CWDP; Business Service Representative for McHenry County, Illinois at the McHenry County Workforce Network
Kelly Scimeca, MA, LCPC; Director of the Office of Special Projects for the 22nd Judicial Circuit Specialty Courts

The Pilot program integrates employment into the existing multidiscipline drug court
program. The program intentionally brings employment interventions and treatment plans together. The pilot program creates a cohesive treatment and employment plan that complements each other. Employment interventions, that include evidence based practices, integrates support into the treatment plan. The pilot program presents foundations consisting of:

  1. Early employment risk needs assessment
  2. Ongoing assessments during phase changes
  3. Work readiness interventions
  4. Placement assistance
  5. Employment follow up post hire
  6. Complement the treatment plan

Learning Objectives

  1. Attendees will be able to describe ways that treatment interventions complement employment interventions.
  2. Attendees will be able to prepare to use WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) as an evidence-based practice in work readiness.
  3. Attendees will identify 3 statewide organizations that can facilitate and partner with the Specialty Court programs in work readiness and employment and how to connect.
B3F – Leveraging Aspects of Military Culture to Enhance VTC Participant Outcomes
RanDee McLain, LCSW, JFV Consultant

Military service has a unique and long-lasting impact on current and former service members. For those that become justice-involved, the learned cultural values, ethics, and standards applied during their service can be leveraged with the participant by the VTC Team in a manner and context that will benefit the participant, the participant’s immediate support network, and the overall community.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe how serving in the military may have a long-lasting impact and influence on the service member, their family, and their interconnectedness to others.
  2. Identify how and why veterans learning styles and responses to interventions can differ
    substantially from each other.
  3. Identify skills and approaches that may more effectively address the needs of justice-involved veterans.
B3G – Human Motivation and the Mechanics of Behavior Change: A Review of Specialty Court Essentials
Michael Clark, MSW, Director for the Center for Strength-Based Strategies

Judges, lawyers, coordinators, probation officers, case-managers, treatment providers, peer support, so many differing roles on a Specialty Court team. What might they all have in common? A probability that all could use a booster regarding what raises or lowers human motivation and the process of healthy behavior change. Join this workshop to add or refresh your know-how for these essentials and then look again at the delivery of services by your Specialty Court team.

Learning Objectives

  1. The participant will be able to describe what human decision must come first before any change is possible.
  2. The participant will be able to describe two skills that can improve your work, even in short (compressed) time frames.
  3. The participant will be able to differentiate between two tactics that are compliance-oriented and two tactics that are behavior change-oriented.

9:45 a.m.          Break and Exhibits

10:00 a.m.          General Session – Best Practice Standards Part 1
Vanessa Matthews, Project Director, All Rise

In 2013, the National Association of Drug Court Professionals published Part I of the
ground-breaking Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards Part 1. In 2015, Part 2 of the
Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards was released. These standards provide
practical, implementable, and enforceable guidance on how drug courts are to operate in
10 critical areas.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Receive a summary of each standard in Part I and some of the fascinating research on which they are based.
  2. Learn why adherence to the Best Practice Standards is essential for the continued success of the drug court model.
  3. Learn about the drug court practice areas likely to be the focus of future standards

11:30 a.m. Lunch

12:30 p.m.          General Session – Best Practice Standards Part 2
Vanessa Matthews, Project Director, All Rise

In 2013, the National Association of Drug Court Professionals published Part I of the ground-breaking Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards Part 1. In 2015, Part 2 of the Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards was released. These standards provide practical, implementable, and enforceable guidance on how drug courts are to operate in 10 critical areas.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Receive a summary of each standard in Part 1 and some of the fascinating research on which they are based.
  2. Learn why adherence to the Best Practice Standards is essential for the continued success of the drug court model.
  3. Learn about the drug court practice areas likely to be the focus of future standards.


2:00 p.m.          Break and Exhibits

2:15 p.m.          Breakout Sessions

B4A – Coping with the Death of a Participant
Christa Marshall, Psy.D., Marshall Psychological Services, LLC, TCI Consultant

Perhaps the hardest thing that practitioners in drug courts and Veterans Treatment Courts must deal with is their exposure to trauma. This can come in the forms of hearing or seeing details of traumatic events, attempts or completions of self-harm, suicide, violence, homicide, and drug overdose. While clinicians may have received some training in how to manage themselves when these things happen, non-clinicians have not, and even clinicians may find these occurrences difficult to handle. These events can result in a variety of problems, including primary and secondary traumatization, burnout, and staff turnover. This presentation will outline the kinds of exposures participants in collaborative courts experience. It will also discuss how to build resilience in advance of possible exposures and how to deal with traumatic events when they occur in the context of collaborative courts.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn what trauma is and why it is important to address with working professionals.
  2. Learn ways for professionals to manage secondary and vicarious trauma.
  3. Learn how pervasive trauma is in justice-involved persons, especially people with substance use and mental health disorders.
B4B – Pre-Trial Fairness Act and Problem-Solving Courts
Hon. Janet Holmgren, 17th Judicial Circuit, President, ILAPSC Board of Directors
Hon. Mark Shaner (Ret.), Vice President, ILAPSC Board of Directors
Michelle O’Brien, JD, National Center for State Courts
Bill Blundell, MPA, LPC, Problem-Solving Courts Manager, Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts

***Session Information Coming Soon***

B4C – Navigating Grant Opportunities: Your Guide to Problem-Solving Court Funding
Mary Ann Dyar, Program Director, Adult Redeploy Illinois
Lynn Moore, Grants Manager, Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts
Hon. Daniel Emge, 24th Judicial Circuit
Megan Spradling, Marshall/Putnam/Stark Counties Coordinator
Emily Behnke, 17th Judicial Circuit Coordinator

This presentation will be in a panel format including grant administrators from the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts and the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, along with team members from different counties that use external funding to operate their problem-solving courts. The panel presentation will include an overview of available state and federal funding sources, including Adult Redeploy Illinois and the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Panelists will share specific information on how to access grant funds and use them to support problem-solving courts, implement evidence-based practices, fill gaps in services, and spark innovation. The target audience will be individuals from local jurisdictions, including system stakeholders and service providers, who are creating new or looking to expand current problem-solving courts.

B4D – Breaking Through: Effective Treatment Approaches for Antisocial Personality Disorder
Kenneth Robinson, EdD, Correctional Counseling, Inc.

A comprehensive understanding of this disorder is essential for everyone in the criminal justice field. This workshop is designed to provide attendees with an understanding of APD, as well as an overview of the research on characteristics, diagnostic criteria, potential causes, and effective treatments shown to reduce recidivism.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn the history of antisocial personality disorder, including typical personality traits, diagnostic criteria, potential causes, and prevalence of APD in both corrections and general populations.
  2. Understand how APD individuals respond differently to traditional correctional treatment methods.
  3. Gain insights on what treatment models are effective with APD individuals.
B4E – Twelve-Step Integration (TSI): A Multidisciplinary Approach to Addiction Counseling
Melissa A. Milliken, Ed.D., LCPC, Grand Canyon University

This training will cover the basics of Twelve Step Facilitation (TSF) and Twelve-Step Integration (TSI) for counselors and members of problem-solving courts working with clients with addictions. The training will explore ethical issues for a variety of helpers and advocates to work together ethically and effectively while integrating clinical and non-clinical aspects of 12-step programs in order to best facilitate client success in all areas. This training will emphasize the 12-step culture and the need for common language between team members

Learning Objectives

  1. Explain the basics of Twelve-Step Integration.
  2. Understand how and why to integrate 12 Step philosophy ethically and effectively.
  3. Use common 12 step themes, language and culture when working with clients.
B4F – Medication-Assisted Recovery
Nicole Gastala, MD, Medical Director, Substance Use Prevention and Recovery Division, Illinois Department of Human Services

Through attending this program participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize the role of harm reduction on the recovery continuum.
  2. Apply evidence-based harm reduction and treatment services for substance use disorders, particularly OUD.
  3. Introduction to medication assisted recovery and MAR NOW
B4G – Treatments Don’t Treat People, People Treat People
Michael Clark, MSW; Director for the Center for Strength-Based Strategies

Outcomes are a combination of technical aspects (treatment approaches) but also relational aspects (how we think about participants and how we behave towards them). Research finds it matters greatly how you approach and talk with program participants. Judges, team members and providers can extend relational skills that improve Specialty Court outcomes. Join this session to learn how emerging research tells us relational factors account for more towards behavior change outcomes. With everyone focused on the end-result of sobriety and preventing recidivism, join this session to unpack how we get there. The relational mindset says we don’t strive to win the victory; we strive to be the victory through our approach.

Learning Objectives

  1. The participant will be able to describe at least three relational aspects that positively influence outcomes.
  2. The participant will be able to differentiate between technical aspects to outcomes and relational aspects to outcomes.
  3. The participant will be able to describe how a sole focus on outcomes could dehumanize treatment.

3:30 p.m. Break and Exhibits

3:45 p.m. Role Specific Breakout Sessions

This role specific breakout will give participants the opportunity to gather with others who face many of the same challenges in their PSC roles. Discuss the good, the bad and the ugly and work together to find solutions to issues facing teams. Following this collaboration with others, participants will be encouraged to share ideas with their individual teams upon return to the office. 

B5A – Judge
Hon. Janet Holmgren, 17th Judicial Circuit Court, ILAPSC President
Hon. Mark Shaner (Ret.), ILAPSC Vice President
Hon. Jeff Ford (Ret.), ILAPSC Board Member, Past ILAPSC President

B5B – Coordinator
Bernadine Howard, DuPage County Program Manager, ILAPSC Board Member
Kelly Gallivan-Ilarraza, Cook County Director of Problem-Solving Courts, ILAPSC Board Member

B5C – Prosecution
Anne Stevens, JD, Winnebago County Assistant State’s Attorney, ILAPSC Board Member
Michelle O’Brien, JD, National Center for State Courts

B5D – Defense
Juanita Archuleta, JD, Kane County Assistant Public Defender, ILAPSC Board Member
Baron Heintz, JD, Rock Island County Defense Attorney, ILAPSC Board Member

B5E – Probation
Michael Roman, Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court, ILAPSC Treasurer
Anthony Foster, Adams County Director of Court Services, ILAPSC Board Member

B5F – Treatment
Chantelle Leachman, Rock Island County, ILAPSC Board Member
Wayne Gilliland, Adams County Graduate, Preferred Family Healthcare, ILAPSC Board Member

B5G – Peer Support
Liesl Wingert, SIU School of Medicine Rural Health Project Coordinator, ILAPSC Board Member

B5H – Law Enforcement
Frederick Chinn, Crawford County Chief of Corrections, ILAPSC Board Member

5:00 p.m. Networking and Reception Sponsored by

5:30 p.m. Vendor Raffle Drawing – Must be present to win

Friday, October 25, 2024

7:00 a.m.          Exhibits

8:30 a.m. General Session – Problem-Solving Court Graduate Panel
Moderator – Hon. Jeffery Ford (Ret.)

Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from a panel of problem-solving court graduates. During this session, the panelists will speak about what worked and didn’t for them during their time in a problem-solving court. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask panelists questions at the end of the session.

10:00 a.m.          Break and Exhibits

10:15 a.m.          General Session – Working Wounded: Preventing and Managing Professional Burnout
Christa Marshall, Psy.D., Marshall Psychological Services, LLC

This presentation will explore the frequently overlooked issue of impairment and burnout in helping professionals. All of us seek to balance the stresses and strains of our private lives with the need to perform effectively at work. Even in tough times most of us can “pull it together” long enough to get through our day. However, there are times when issues such as excessive duties, divorce, disease, drinking, drugging, depression or other dysfunction rob us of our ability to do our jobs and/or find joy in doing so. Whether the problem results from an acute incident or from a chronic problem that has reached the breaking point, the consequences can be life and livelihood threatening. This presentation is essential for those who fear they may be impaired; want to know the warning signs of impairment; want to know how to avoid becoming impaired; or want to know how best to support co-workers or loved ones who are struggling.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Know the warning signs of professional impairment and burnout; and prevention strategies.
  2. Understand the “impairment continuum” and the most common manifestations and causes of
  3. Develop strategies for coping with impairment to facilitate a return to full fitness for duty

12:00 p.m. End of Conference & Evaluations


The 2024 Illinois Association of Problem-Solving Courts Conference will be held Wednesday, October 23 – Friday, October 25, 2024 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton East Peoria Riverfront Hotel & Conference Center.

The ILAPSC Conference brings hundreds of individuals from around the state together to explore the latest research and issues of justice-involved individuals with behavioral health needs. The ILAPSC mission is to promote problem-solving courts in Illinois by providing education, assistance, training and development through the collaboration of behavioral health and justice systems.

IDFPR Social Worker 15.25 hours
IDFPR Counselor 15.25 hours
IDFPR Nursing TBD Pending Application Approval
IAODAPCA 15.25 hours Pending Application Approval
Attorney MCLE 15.25 hours general credit applied for, Professional Responsibility pending application
Probation 15.25 hours
Judicial Education Credit 6 hours approved by the Illinois Judicial College
Court Administration Credit 15.25 hours approved by the Illinois Judicial College

Hotel Registration Information

Embassy Suites by Hilton East Peoria Riverfront Hotel & Conference Center 

Located at 100 Conference Center Dr., East Peoria, IL 61611. Attached to the largest hotel conference center in Peoria, our hotel overlooks the Illinois River. We’re next to East Peoria River Front Park and five minutes from the downtown area’s historic sites and museums. Enjoy made-to-order breakfast, complimentary evening receptions, a fitness center featuring a Peloton® Bike with toe cages, and our indoor pool.

SOLD OUT To be added to the waitlist, please email

Additional Hotel Options Include: 

Country Inn and Suites Peoria North 5309 W Landens Way, Peoria, IL 61615

  • Room rate is $107 includes free breakfast. Registration ends 9/23/2024. To register call (309) 423-3347 and mention the Illinois Association of Problem-Solving Courts room block.

Holiday Inn Express 1100 Bass Pro Dr., East Peoria, IL 61611

  • Room rate is $129 includes free breakfast. Registration end 10/1/2024. To register call (309) 694-9800 and mention the Illinois Association of Problem-Solving Courts room block.

Holiday Inn 101 Holiday St., East Peoria, IL 61611

  • Room rate is $107. To register call (309) 698-3333 and mention the Illinois Association of Problem-Solving Courts room block.

Par-A-Dice Hotel 21 Blackjack Blvd., East Peoria, IL 61611

  • Room rate is $105. Registration ends 10/1/2024. To register call (800) 547-0711 and mention the code PSCJ24C or click here.

Hampton Inn & Suites 7806 N. Route 91, Peoria, IL 61615

  • Room rate is $149 1 King or 2 Queens/$159 King Suite includes free breakfast. Registration ends 9/24/2024. To register call (309) 589-0001 and mention the Illinois Association of Problem-Solving Courts room block.

Peoria Marriott Pere Marquette 501 Main St., Peoria, IL 61602

  • Room rate is $189 plus $15/day parking. Registration ends 9/21/2024. To register call (309) 637-6500 and mention the Illinois Association of Problem-Solving Courts room block.

Stoney Creek 101 Mariners Way, East Peoria, IL 61611

  • Room rate is $109 includes free breakfast. Registration ends 9/22/2024. To register call (309) 694-1300 and mention the Illinois Association of Problem-Solving Courts room block or Stoney Creek.

Other Hotels with which we do not have a room block, but that offer the state rate can be found by visiting the State of Illinois Downstate IL Areas Hotel Listing


You may transfer your registration to another person up until the time of the conference. Cancellations will not be accepted after September 30, 2024. Cancellations and transfers can be submitted by email to

If you have any questions please contact the Conference Coordinators at 

If you should have any questions regarding the conference, please contact the Conference Coordinators via email at

Fee includes Thursday evening networking reception (cash bar), lunch on Wednesday and Thursday, and continuing education credits.

Registration Fee does not include Hotel, Transportation, Food, or Beverages, other than what is listed above.